About Me

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Louisiana, United States
We have been married 25 years and have 2 grown children. The last one is about to leave the nest. No empty nest syndrome here. We are excited to start our next adventure by ourselves.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

45 and Falling Apart...

A couple of weeks ago I went for my yearly check-up. My blood pressure was up again. I had this happened a couple of years ago but I lost about 35 pounds and got it under control. Although I've gained a little of the weight back, somewhere between 3-5 pounds on any given day, I've managed to keep it off for a couple of years. The doctor decided to put me on a low dose of blood pressure medicine. I now take my blood pressure twice a day. It's getting a little better but very slowly. You may say that isn't so bad but I'm on lots of other medicines too. While I was at the doctor's office they wanted to take a few vials of my blood because I'm also on cholesterol medicine too. My cholesterol is up a little bit. I found out years ago that my body produces it. Aren't I lucky. No matter what I eat I will always have it.

While I was there for my blood pressure I told my doctor that I needed to be tested for an aortic aneurysm. This condition runs in my family on my father's side. She set me up for an echo and CT scan. During my exam at her office she noticed a heart murmur. No one had ever mentioned that I may have a heart murmur, including her. I guess she didn't want to scare me but I like to know what is going on with me. While the tech was doing the echo she found a leaky heart valve. She told me it wasn't very bad and that I probably wouldn't even have to have routine check ups for it. Just something that is noted in my chart so that whenever I went in for something else they would know to check it. If it gets worse then I will have to have it surgically repaired.

I should get my results back for the aortic aneurysm by the end of the week. If I do have it, then I will probably have to have surgery as soon as possible. Growing old is FUN, FUN, FUN!!

UPDATE: Just heard back from my doctor. The CT came by normal . I DO NOT HAVE AN AORTIC ANEURYSM!!!!

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