About Me

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Louisiana, United States
We have been married 25 years and have 2 grown children. The last one is about to leave the nest. No empty nest syndrome here. We are excited to start our next adventure by ourselves.

Friday, March 25, 2011

twenty thousand leagues under the sea!!!

Hello everyone, its been awhile since we have posted an update on the aquarium. Its been a work in progress and Rita and I think it is going very well. Here are some new pictures to look at. This one a full view of the aquarium so you can see all the things that are going on in this miniature world.
Just another shot of the aquarium full view. In this shot you can see that our tree to the right has grown to be quite large and still growing. You can also see cinnamon our clown fish.
In this shot you can see some of the many different kinds of coral that we have living in our aquarium. It is so fascinating to watch it grow and we always have starfish somewhere in it too.
This shot as you can see of our tree once again up close. Also the rocks have many colors of algae growing on them.
I hope you have enjoyed taking a cruise thru this virtual world of undersea adventure. We also are fixing to do another aquarium that is going to be twice as big as this one. Yes we will have two! Future pictures to come.

1 comment:

  1. These pictures do not do our little part of sea justice. It is really beautiful in person and it is so educational. We see new things in it all the time.
